the adventures of human Wheatley p. 6

3 min read

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Wheatley woke up with a groan, and a bird pecking at his face. He swatted it away and tried to hoist himself up with his arm, but it hurt. A lot. He yelled and caught himself with the other arm. His right arm was broken. "Oooow..." Wheatley moaned. He stood up and looked around for a blood station, and saw one across from him on the wall. He ran to it, then drew blood from his hand. He took a sling from a slot just above it. He threw it over his shoulder and under his arm, then looked around once more. He saw an opening in the floor and walked up to it, then he looked down and saw Chell standing there. She walked onto an Aerial Faith Plate, then came hurtling upwards. "Hey! Hey! It's me! I'm okay!" She fell down again. "Well, I'm back. The Aerial Faith Plate in here is sending a distress signal. You broke it, didn't you." The Faith Plate stopped beeping. "There. Try it now." GLaDOS said. With no hesitation, Chell walked towards it again, then she soared past him again. "You'll never believe what happened! There I was, just lying there, you thought I was done for, but--" Wheatley cried. Once again, Chell hurtled downwards. "Hmm. This Plate must not be calibrated to someone of your... generous... ness. I'll add a few zeros to the maximum weight. You look great, by the way. Very healthy." There were a few beeps, then she said, "There. Try it now." Wheatley saw her again. "A bloody bird! Right? I couldn't believe it either! And then the bird--" But she was gone, and the Faith Plate started beeping again. "You seem to have defeated its load-bearing capacity. Well done. I'll just lower the ceiling." The ceiling started to move down. "Nononono! You did that on purpose!" Wheatley yelled to GLaDOS. He walked away, and walked around the lab. Big thrill. He would find her later! He thought, but, of course, how would he if this place was about one million square feet... No, miles.

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